
Registration and Breakfast


Raphael Fogel


Web apps are great and everything, but imagine using Ruby to fly drones and make them dance to the sounds of dubstep! Or to control disco lights and other robots! Sounds fun, right? In this talk, we will not... Read More
Julian  Cheal


"Blah, blah Ruby is dead..."

I'm getting tired of hearing this blatant falsehood and so should you. Ruby has never been more alive! I'm here to posit the argument that the Ruby language, runtime... Read More
Ben Lovell


The OpenStruct class was written by Matz in 1998 and has been part of the standard library since Ruby 1.2. The idea behind OpenStruct—a data structure that provides method access to arbitrary attributes—is... Read More
Erik  Michaels-Ober




There are over 100,000 gems in Rubygems, enough for the Ruby community to have coined the half-joke *“there's a gem for that”* as an answer to everything.

When presented with a new problem, a rubyist's first... Read More
Sergio Gil


Security is an afterthought for your app? You have a problem, but after you review your application and apply all of the tips I'll talk about, attackers will have it much harder than before. 

We'll go over... Read More
Daniel  Lobato García


A lot of people have being using Rails to develop both their internal or external API, and integrating it with tons of things from JS framework to third party services and IoT devices. But building a high... Read More
João M. D. Moura


Developers often associate Redis with terms like caching/optimisations and not as a primary data-store.

We in Spot.IM use Redis differently than any other company, by using it exclusively for all aspects of... Read More
Yaron Wittenstein


Lunch Break


As developers, we often stare at a computer screen all day only to come home and stare at more glowing boxes all night. Having a productive, nontechnical hobby can really help to keep us sharp for our day... Read More
Caleb Thompson


Does the application you’ve been working on have customers in any other location but your home town? Do you have to deal with the different time zones of where your customers live?

Learn how to handle... Read More
Elle Meredith


Boris will be talking about general architecture of market places and a proper way to handle payments as well as knowing who owns the money and whom to at any particular moment of time. Topics that will be... Read More




Keeping' an Rails app running in production should be a walk in the park, but sometimes things get a bit hairy, so it's time to get your hard hat and get messy with that old code you have. 

I'll walk you... Read More
 Hector Bustillos


Over the past 7 years at Zendesk we've deployed our Rails applications almost every way you can think of. This talk takes you on the journey from running Capistrano on a dev machine to deploying our applications to... Read More
Jason  Smale


Hall 2


We will start by understanding what pry does and how it can be used in our every day life.
After a short exploration of the eco system and the available extensions we will take a deep dive into the different... Read More
Andreas Tiefenthaler


Everyone is hacking everything. Everything is vulnerable. Your site, your users, even you. Are you worried about this? You should be!

Don't worry, I'm not trying to scare you (that much). We have plenty of... Read More
Phil Nash


One day I realized that following rails conventions and applying rails best practices is not enough build complex applications.
I will show you my path from Rails app to modular app, which is not depending on... Read More
Ivan  Nemytchenko




After a tiring day at work, you want to build something fun in lets say 4 hours? Writing Games is the answer ..!!
Playing games is fun, but building one is even more fun. And add ruby to game development, it just... Read More
Rishi Jain


Who doesn't love ActiveRecord? It lets us easily work with our relational database while hiding away all the SQL. Unfortunately, as your code base and traffic grow, those < ActiveRecord::Base models are not going to... Read More
On Freund


Lightning Talks


How great it is to work with Redis and Rails
How quickly it fails?
And what can you do about it.

Vladislav Shub



Ariel Caplan


João M. D. Moura


Ruby Trivia with Erik Michaels-Ober

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