Presentations by Hector Bustillos:
Rails Israel 2013 Conference, Wednesday, October 9, 2013, 15:10
The pursuit of losing weight is something that people always try to achieve; the same thing happens with web apps so I'll show a plan to reduce that extra fat on the browser that we always left there.
I'm gonna explain a couple of effortless rules to make your views faster from good code practice for views to write better CSS and JS, how to load them correctly and 2 or 3 tricks that I found particularly attractive. And last but not least all of this will end in a clean code structure with happy Dev team who will do any change effortless. There's a lot of things devs may think know, but there's a lot fat to cut off.
More Speakers at Rails Israel 2015
Julian Cheal
Senior Software DeveloperRed Hat -
Ben Lovell
Senior Software EngineerHM Treasury -
Raphael Fogel
Organiser of #DevconTLV & #RailsIsraelCode4WD -
Ivan Nemytchenko
Managing Partner7bits -
On Freund
VP Engineeringwe work -
Jason Smale
Director of Product StrategyZendesk -
Phil Nash
Developer EvangelistTwilio -
Sergio Gil
Backend EngineerSoundCloud -
Yaron Wittenstein
Software ArchitectSpot.IM -
Elle Meredith
Developerthoughtbot -
Andreas Tiefenthaler
Software EngineerContentful -
Rishi Jain
Senior Software EngineerJosh Software -
João M. D. Moura
Senior Software EngineerRide.com -
Daniel Lobato García
Senior Software EngineerRed Hat -
Boris Nadion
FounderAstrails -
Vladislav Shub
Chief ArchitectYotpo -
Max Rozenoer
Server DeveloperGett -
Ariel Caplan
Software EngineerVitals -
Caleb Thompson
Developerthoughtbot -
Erik Michaels-Ober
SoundCloud -
Amir Levy
Redis Labs