Presentations by Hector Bustillos:
Rails Israel 2015 Conference, Tuesday, November 24, 2015, 15:00
Keeping' an Rails app running in production should be a walk in the park, but sometimes things get a bit hairy, so it's time to get your hard hat and get messy with that old code you have.
I'll walk you through a series of steps and recommendation to keep your app stable an running like as i said - " A walk in the park".
I also will take a fair amount of time to help you solve those memory issues that are killing your app, help you to identified those and get rid of them once for all.
it will be great talk and you'all would take something with you.
More Speakers at Rails Israel 2015
Julian Cheal
Senior Software DeveloperRed Hat -
Ben Lovell
Senior Software EngineerHM Treasury -
Raphael Fogel
Organiser of #DevconTLV & #RailsIsraelCode4WD -
Ivan Nemytchenko
Managing Partner7bits -
On Freund
VP Engineeringwe work -
Jason Smale
Director of Product StrategyZendesk -
Phil Nash
Developer EvangelistTwilio -
Sergio Gil
Backend EngineerSoundCloud -
Yaron Wittenstein
Software ArchitectSpot.IM -
Elle Meredith
Developerthoughtbot -
Andreas Tiefenthaler
Software EngineerContentful -
Rishi Jain
Senior Software EngineerJosh Software -
João M. D. Moura
Senior Software -
Daniel Lobato García
Senior Software EngineerRed Hat -
Boris Nadion
FounderAstrails -
Vladislav Shub
Chief ArchitectYotpo -
Max Rozenoer
Server DeveloperGett -
Ariel Caplan
Software EngineerVitals -
Caleb Thompson
Developerthoughtbot -
Erik Michaels-Ober
SoundCloud -
Amir Levy
Redis Labs